
RP: Dark Secrets - Part 1

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Taylor sat down his bag, eatin ghis lunch
Lance sighed and fiddled with his pen as he tried to solve a puzzle
Taylor sighed. Eating his bread, looking for an girl. Or atleast trying too fall in love with one
None of the girls noticed him
'Am I really so ugly...'
Lance sighed and stopped thinking. "That;s it"
'I guess I am...'
Lance went to get lunch
Taylor continued eating, and did his bag in the trashcan. when he crahsed into the most populair girl
"Ow!" she yelped
'Im sorry.. very much sorry,'' wanting to help her up
"No, it's ok" she replied. Her name was Erica, and she was the younger sister of Lance
'Wait, you aren't mad at me..' he blinked
"I wasn't looking where I was going" she replied
'Thanks..' Taylor smiles blushing
"What's your name?"
"I'm Erica"
'Nice .....too...' blushing more
Erica blinked
'so, which class.. you
"Class 2B"
'Awesome, I am in class 4D
Erica smiled. She didn't mind if she was popular, it was nice to talk to a boy for a change
Tyler smiled. 'So wanna get a drink after school'
"Sure. My parents are out of town at the moment. My brother usually does his homework and studying"
'You have a brother¿'
"His name's Lance"
'His name sounds familair. I guess he is also in my higher math class
"I see"
'I uh see you later then
"See you" she smiled and left to eat lunch
'An girl talked to. I a date' Tyler said happu
Later that evening, Erica waited for Tyler
Tyler ran outside. 'I have extra homework. but doesnt matter today.
"That;s OK. Let's go"
'Maybe I can help you. with yours' while gettin red
"I'd like that" she beamed
'Awesome. what is your fav subject
'ah I know a lot about history. but its  what I like is techinal.math. and latin' While he started talkin about complicated things
"Wow" she smiled
He kept talking
They arrived at where they would have a drink
'Very.nice building, you know this from the ancient times
"It is?" she blinked
'Yes. its from before some guy started exploding buildings with the people still inside'
"I see. How do you know so much about it?" she asked, her eyes sparkling with delight
'I read a lot. And for some reason I just know'
"Wow...You're smarter than I thought!" she exclaimed
'That is somethin only the teachers say
Erica blushed and smiled cutely
'you have such a nice smile
"Really?" she asked
'Yes you do..'
"Thank you. You have such cute eyes"
' I do..?.'
"Yes, you do"
'Thank you.'
"Let's go inside"
'Ah yes. im thirsty
She went inside
Tyler looked at the tv. The news was on
There was a part of 10 years ago about him
Erica didn't notice as she was busy ordering drinls
'Look...' Tyler pointed
She looked up
The news woman. 'It seems 10 years ago. Since we saw the murder. Who knows what happendd to him. our reporter are at the monument.'
Erica watched it
'Weird uh..? Hope they get him. ' drinkin
"Same here."
Later, Erica was on her way home
"I had fun" she smiled
'Yeah me too.' he smiles
She arrived at her house. "Do you want to meet Lance?"
She started to look for her keys
She unlocked the door and opened it
Tyler walked iinside
The house was neat and tidy. Lance was busy studying
"I'm back" Erica called
"Hey, sis" he replied
'Hello..' Tyler nodde
"So, is this your boyfriend?" Lance teased
"What?! No!! We just met today at school!" Erica blushed
'Who knows...' Tyler became silent when he looked at Lance
"Well, as long as you're quiet. I have an exam coming up" he replied
"Yeah, yeah" his sister replied
'The math so easy' Tyler replied
Erica giggled and headed to her room
'I already saw it. The teacher wanted to show me already
Lance didn't listen and returned to studying
'I can tell you want you need to study
"I'd rather study by myself, thanks"
"Tyler, just ignore him." Erica called from upstairs
'Alright. Just wanting too help
Erica showed him around
'Nice house..'He complimented.
'Is your brother always so hot...I mean angry'
"It's his personality. Don't let him get to you"
'I see...' When he started thinkin off him
"What's wrong?" she asked
"Well, this is my room"
'Whoa. Uh nice.....' blinkin. 'Where are your study books
She pointed to her bookshelf
Tyler walked to it. Lookin at the titles
Erica sat on her bed and read a manga
'So shall we study some
'Which subject are you bad at?'
'Ah.' laughin a little. 'its so easy
", there's one section about it which really embarasses me"
'I know everythib tell it
She whispered "sex education"
'Ah. Well I can tell about it. ' When he started explainin
She blused
"I...I see"
'Any more questions
She was suddenly very shy
'Fine.. ' lookin at the book
She yawned a little
'I shall leave. Then you cab get some sleep
'Bye..'  As he stood up and grabbrd his bag
Lance was listening to music as he studied
Tyler shock his head.
Next day
Lance was in the library
Tyler walked across. 'Hey
"Oh, hey" he nodded, putting a book back
'So ready for it
'The math exam
"Oh, yeah."
'good. ' walkin to class
He went after him
Tyler nodded at the teacher abd say down
Lance sat down as well
Taylor waited. For the paper
Lance was confident
The teacher handed it over.  Tyler madr it fast
Lance was pretty fast too, as he'd memorised all the info he'd needed for the exam
'Really miss. Make it harder next time'
At lunch, Lance was back in the library
Tyler ate his lunch. And brought books away
Lance saw Tyler and continued reading
'Do you have higher grade books
"Of course. They're just that way" the librarian nodded, pointing near where Lance was sitting
'Good' walkin towatds the shelf
Lance was reading a history book
'Ah history. Great subject
"I'm researching Joan of Arc"
'Great woman..
He nodded
'Actually I am researching about that guy who placed bombs everywhere
"I see"
'Yeah. Well now I need to get some books
"Good luck with your research"
'thank you.  'While he reached for the higher parts. Showin an a scar jusy above his pants. Who seemed stitched
Lance finished and noticed the scar. "Where'd you get that scar?"
Tyler shock his shoulders. 'I cant remember. I can't remember anything. From 10 years ago and before
'Its really weird.
'I wish I knew.
"You'll find out"
'I hope so. The last thing I remember was when I laid on the street
"Who found you?"
'No one did. I was lost. And I just started living giving myself a name
"So, you don't know who you truly are?"
Tyler shock his head
"Tough break"
'Ah.. I gave myself age 17.
"That's the same age as me"
'Maybe I am older or younge
"Beats me" he shrugged
'Would you helo me
Tyler smiled
Lance grabbed his notebook
"So where do we start first?"
'Lets see, how about the beginning off it
"ok" he nodded
He started to scan the books for any information
'There should be books or an y information about it.
"There's one here"
He sat down and started to read it
'It seems he was already 15...'
'yeah, weird uh..
"What the heck happened to him that made me want to blow up buildings?"
Tyler shock his shoulders. 'It seemed he didn't care abotu the people who were inside it, '
Lance shook his head in pity. "Something horrible must've caused him to do that"
'I know, but you know some just do it for fun..'
"They just get a kick of seeing people hurt"
'Yep, it is sick but true. Is there a photo off him?
"I don't know"
'What I neither understand is that he just dissapeard, 10 years ago.
The bell rang
"Looks like we have to leave for class" he sighed, getting up, accidently brushing against Tyler
Tyler blushed. 'Yeah we should. I got latin now
"Have fun. I have History"
'I finished History already last year, the exam was a piece of cake.'
"Lucky you." he chuckled leaving
Tyler sat down in clas
'Sir, are we going to do something more interesting
"Yes, today we'll be doing a group work task"
'I hope its harder then last week
"Trust me, Tyler" he chuckled
Later that day, Lance was walking home from school with Erica
Erica saw Tyler walking ahead. "Tyler!" she called
"Wait for us!" she exclaimed, running after him
Tyler turned around..
Erica ran to him. "Do you want to come over for dinner?"
Lance blinked at his sister's invite
'Um, I do not know. I got lots of study to do
"Lance could help you out!"
'No thank you, I am in a much higher grade then I am
"O-Oh..." she said, sounding disappointed
"Give the guy some space, sis" Lance smiled
'I already know, that I am better then Lance
Lance looked alarmed. "No need to rub it in!" he blinked
'No worry, I won't as I know
"Hmph" he sulked
Tyler winked at Lance
Lance blinked, not sure why he was winking
That night was Tyler asleep. Having nightmares
There were people screaming
an man stood above it, laughing.'Finally my work for the greatest explosion is done.'
"Why're you doing this?!" a woman cried
'Why....' his laugh dissapeard. 'I just like to see you people hurt, you all hurted me.'
"You're a coward!" a man bellowed
"Just because your life was hell, it doesn't mean you have to hurt others!
His laugh re-appeared. 'A cowerd. I actually would say more, a genius. I love to see you all suffer
There was a mixture of fear and anger
"If you perish in this, I hope you ROT IN HELL!" another man yelled
'Like that ever happens..' Walking towards the roof
the people shook with fear, many believing they would die
He pushed the detonation button. While the building started to shake, but instead the lower levels went down, the roof and the last floor starting going down.
There were screams of terror and horror
The man tried to steady himself, but evwentually fell down also
The building collapsed
The collapse of the building triggered the end of the nightmare
Tyler shcok awake
It was midnight of Saturday
'What was that for dreamer
Later on, Lance was on a morning jog
He crossed the collapsed building
Lance looked at a memorial dedicated to the victims of the bombing
Lots of rosed were set. 'What will become of the world.' one of it said
Lance sighed sadly as he read the names of children who'd perished. "Too beautiful for this world..."
He trailed his finger around the sentence he'd read from the memorial
'Glad you have feeling to young man.' and older lady said
"A friend of mine died in the tragedy"
"I miss him every day..."
'I am sory to hear that.'
"I hope one day they'll find out who did this, so my friend can finally rest in peace"
'No one knows, it seems he sort off dissapeard
Lance sighed
'Or he still waits in the dark to return
'I know that one girl saw him
Lance looked up at the sky. "Wherever he is, he'll get what's coming to him"
'I know...'
Tyler passed them...
Lance didn;t notice him until he turned, accidentally bumping into him
'Oh, uh morning
"Sorry. I didn't look where I was going"
'Its okay...' Tyler just says, remembering the building he had seen in a nightmare
"You ok?"
'No, I had such a weird nightmare
"Want to talk about it?"
Tyler excplained
'Its so weird..
"Want to get a bite to eat?"
'Yeah sure..
He led him to a cafe to buy something to eat
'It looked so real
"It's OK, it was just a dream, right?"
'Yeah, I hope so...' He sighed
Lance handed him a drink of juice
'Thank you...' He sighed
"You ok?"
He looked concerned
'I am thinking back when I woke up
'Well, I remember the same building as now the monument
"OK, and what do you think it means?"
'Unsure, its so weird. I woke up there and I have a nightmare off it also
"It'll be alright. It was just a nightmare, right?" he asked sympathetically, patting his shoulder
'Thank you Lance...' as he stood up
"You're welcome" he replied
"You sure you're alright? You're acting a little...awkard around me"
'No idea what you mean.' feeling red
"Your face is red"
He peered closely at him
'I it is not
Lance clearly wasn't convinced
'You do not know what your talkin about
"I know that like somebody, don't you?"
"Come on, just tell me and I'll leave you alone"
'You...' he whispered
"W-What?" lance stammered, caught off guard
" long?" he asked
'Recent.. when I met your sister
"Oh...does she know?"
Tyler shock his head
"You should tell her"
"Because if you don't, then I will"
'Don't. just don't
"She can't be left in the dark"
'Look. I do not have time for any love.
Lance rolled his eyes. "Of course not. You don't want to let anybody get close to you"
He paid for his breakfast
'I am talking about study' whole he narrowed his eyes
"There's more to life than just studying, you just haven't realised that"
He then left
Tyler glared at him. 'I can atleast have a good paid job
"You talk the talk, but can you walk the walk?" he asked
Later, Erica heard somebody at the door
"Who is it?" she called
Tyler stood at the door, but didnt say anything
"Tyler? What're you doing here?" she blinked
*after she'd opened the door
Lance was upstairs reading a manga
'I uh...
Erica looked at him, puzzled
"Never mind
"Are you looking for Lance? He's upstairs in his room"
'No.. I need to study. bye
"Er, bye" Erica blinked
'I love Lance.' He screamed and ran away
Erica was stunned at the outburst
Lance heard the outburst and sighed. "Tyler...why can't you just follow your own desires instead of just studying?"
Later, he was buying food for dinner
He saw Tyler and quickly concentrated on buying the food
Tyler sighed, while just staring at a can of mi;lk
Lance walked past him, looking at fish dishes
He accidentally brushed past Tyler
Tyler shock upo from his thoughts
"Rats...dropped my wallet" Lance grunted. He bent down into the freezer to grab his wallet
He unknowingly gave Tyler a glimpse of his backside
'Looks good
Lance grabbed his wallet, but felt his back twinge in pain. "Ow..."
'You okay dude.?
"yeah...Just my back" he replied, trying to get it back to normal
'Here, I read something about in a book how to do that
"OK?" he replied, moving but hurting his back more
Tyler slowly pulled him up, and twisted his back into the same direction
Lance yelped a little
'Does this feel beter?
"Yeah, thanks"
Tyler nodded, and continued his shoping
Lance watched him leave and finished shopping
Tyler walked home. 'WHat is this feelin
Lance was soon walking home, confused about Tyler's behaviour
"He's hiding something from me"
'Why do I dislike people around me...'
Lance suddenly noticed something was missing from his jacket " scarf...where is it?"
Tyler looked at the scarf.
It had Lance's initials and faintly smelt of Lance's cologne*
The scent was addictive
Tyler sighed, as he smelt it
Lance looked around for his scarf, eventually giving up and returning home
Tyler sudden grinned
Lance was taking his keys out of his pocket, humming to himself
"Hey" Tyler said. Being a lot different
"Tyler? What're you doing here?" he blinked
"I just wanted to see you"
"Uh, thanks, I guess"
"ah Indd...." Tyler laughed weird
"'re creeping me out"
"Really, let's just say that i know what I missed"
The first part of my rp with ~DarkMistressYuriy. (Sorry for any spelling mistakes as I was copying and pasting it!)

PART 1: currently on
PART 2: [link]

Lance and Erica(c) Me
Tyler (c) ~DarkMistressYuriy
© 2012 - 2024 tifafenrir09
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